It's Easter in Growtopia!
This year we bring you the new cooperative egg-sperience - the new Capture The Fl-egg game!
Also, the event comes along with many new cool items that are waiting to be discovered!
Enjoy saving the eggs in the new Egg Rescue Game and have an Egg-Cellent Easter and a hoppin' good Spring!
(No more puns today, we promise)
- Advanced Account Protection is temporarily disabled in order to apply some fixes. - XP contribution will be disabled for the guilds whose guild member count exceeds the authorized limit.
- All the mascots that do not match the authorized mascot types for the current guild level will be reset.
- Also, this weekend April 7th - 8th we will be running a complimentary Double Gems event in Growtopia.
- The Growtopia Team
Pada tahun 5 April 2018. developer meliris item Egg Rescue Ticket pack di Growtopia Store seharga 5,000 Gems. Saat digunakan player akan menuju world yang bernama EGGRESCUE, dimana kalian harus menggambil Game Egg lalu meletakannya kembali ke Game Goal Egg Basket, Semakin banyak poin dikumpulkan semakin bagus juga hadiah yang akan didapat.