Growtopia Wikia
Growtopia Wikia
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32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Halaman ini di tunjukan untuk Mods.

Barang ini tidak sama dengan Moderator.

Mods atau Modifikasi adalah kemampuan yang disebabkan oleh Pakaian, Item sekali pakai, atau acara khusus. Mods hanya diterapkan secara permanen atau sementara untuk orang yang menggunakan item. Mod dapat ditumpuk atau digunakan secara bersama.

Jenis Mod[]

Double Jump
High Jump
Fists O' Fury
Tank Driver
Soccer Skills
Putt Putt Putt
Eye Beam
Focused Eyes
Enhanced Digging
Death To Blocks!
Cupid's Firepower
Devouring Souls
Ninja Stealth
Zephyr Helm
Fiery Pet
Icy Pet
Cheerful Giver
Wizardly Force
Flames Of Ajanti
Slightly Damp
The One Ring
A Little Fishy
Flaming Arrows
Precision Tool
Geiger Counting
Irradiated mod
Flying Reinder
Flame Scythe
Fire Hose
Hunting Ghosts
Ring Of Force
Prismatic Aura
Flaming Hot
Energized Horn
I'm On A Shark!
Whip Of Truth
Neon Nerves
Slow-Fall: Ear Flap
Draconic Wings
Fistful Of Thunder
Crystal Vision
XP Buff
Speedy & Punch Power
Armed And Dangerous
Pickin' And Climbin'

Double Jump[]

Double Jump mod dapat membuat player melompat dua kali. Items that grant the Double Jump mod include:

High Jump[]

High Jump mod dapat membuat loncatan player menjadi lebih tinggi.

Items that grant the High Jump mod include:

Fists O' Fury[]

Fists O' Fury mod dapat membuat pukulan player terasa keras saat memukul player lainnya.

Items that grant the Fists O' Fury mod include:

Armed And Dangerous[]

Armed And Dangerous mod dapat menembak player menggunakan peluru kecil dan dapat membunuh player lain apabila si penembak menggunakan Antler Hat.

Items that grant the Armed And Dangerous mod include:


Speedy mod dapat membuat lari player menjadi cepat. Berikut adalah item yang menghasilah Speedy mod:

Tank Driver[]

Tank Driver mod dapat memukul player lain dengan peluru, sama seperti Armed And Dangerous mod. Item ini juga dapat membuat lari player menjadi cepat.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Tiny Tank yang dapat menghasilkan Tank Driver mod.

Soccer Skills[]

Soccer Skills mod dapat membuat lari player menjadi cepat. Saat player memukul dan berjalan, sebuah bola akan muncul.

Berikut adalah item yang menghasilkan Soccer Skills mod:

Putt Putt Putt[]

Putt Putt Putt mod akan embuat jalan player menjadi lambat, tetapi player dapat memanen pohon dengan cara berjalan.

Berikut adalah item yang menhasilkan Putt Putt Putt mod:


Fireproof mod akan mengurangi damage sebesar 50% saat player menyentuh Lava.

Berikut adalah item yang menghasilkan Fireproof mod:

Eye Beam[]

Eye Beam mod, player dapat menembakkan laser. Item ini dapat meningkatkan jangkauan pukulan tetapi item ini akan mengurangi kekerasan saat menghancurkan block.

Berikut adalah item yang menghasilkan Eye Beam mod:

Focused Eyes[]

Focused Eyes mod dapat menembakan sebuah petir dari mata.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Focused Eyes yang dapat menghasilkan Focused Eyes mod.

Enhanced Digging[]

Enhanced Digging mod dapat membuat pukulan player menjadi cepat saat menghacurkan block.

Berikut adalah item yang menghasilkan Enhanced Digging mod:

Death To Blocks![]

Death To Blocks! mod dapat menembakkan sebuah laser. Sama seperti Enhanced Digging mod, item ini dapat menghancurkan block dengan cepat.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Death Ray yang dapat menghasilkan Death To Blocks! mod.


Dragonborn mod akan memanggil sebuah naga. Sama seperti Enhanced Digging mod, item ini dapat menghancurkan block dengan cepat dan dapat memukul player lain dengan keras layaknya Fists O' Fury mod.

Berikut adalah item yang menghasilkan Dragonborn mod:

Dragonborn With A Silver Spoon[]

Dragonborn With A Silver Spoon mod akan memanggil sebuah Diamond Dragon. Sama seperti Enhanced Digging mod, item ini dapat menghancurkan block dengan cepat dan dapat memukul player lain dengan keras layaknya Fists O' Fury mod.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Diamond Dragon yang dapat menghasilkan Dragonborn With A Silver Spoon mod.

Cupid's Firepower[]

Cupid's Firepower mod dapat menarik player ke belakang dengan cara memukul player lain dan dapat meningkatkan jangkauan pukulan player.

Berikut adalah item yang menghasilkan Cupid's Firepower mod:

Devouring Souls[]

Devouring Souls mod sama seperti Cupid's Firepower mod. Item dapat menarik player ke belakang dengan cara memukul player lain dan dapat meningkatkan jangkauan pukulan player.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Soul Orb yang dapat menghasilkan Devouring Souls mod.

Ninja Stealth[]

Ninja Stealth mod dapat membuat skin player menjadi hitam trasparan.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Ninja Mask yang dapat menghasilkan Ninja Stealth mod.


Rainbows! mod akan menggantikan pukulan player menjadi pelangi.

Berikut adalah item yang dapat menghasilkan Rainbows! mod:

Zephyr Helm[]

Zephyr Helm mod sama seperti Double Jump mod, yaitu dapat membuat player melompat dua kali. Item ini juga akan menghasilkan efek Parasol, yang dapat membuat player jatuh lebih lama.

Hanya 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Zephyr Helm yang dapat menghasilkan Zephyr Helm mod.

Pickin' And Climbin'[]

Pickin' And Climbin' mod dapat membuat player memanjat di Climbing Wall. Item ini juga dapat menghancurkan block dengan cepat.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Climbing Picks grant the Pickin' And Climbin' mod.


The Musical mod allows the player to play notes by punching the tiles in the world. It grants the user unlimited range but restricts him or her from punching other players and breaking blocks.

Items that grant the Musical mod include:

Bow And Arrow[]

The 'Bow And Arrow mod allows the player to shoot arrows. It also allows the player to kill other players wearing the Antler Hat.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Elvish Longbow grants the Bow And Arrow mod.

Fiery Pet[]

The Fiery Pet mod is granted when the player equips a leash that shoots fireballs.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Nightmare Magnifying Glass grants the Fiery Pet mod.


The Slasher mod allows players to slash instead of punching. Some of the items that grant this mod also carves a temporary sign on the player that was slashed by the user.

Items that grant the Slasher mod include:


The Claws mod allows the user to slash with claws instead of punching.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Claw Glove grants the Claws mod.

Icy Pet[]

The Icy Pet mod is granted when the player equips a leash that fires ice beams.

Items that grant the Icy Pet mod include:

Cheerful Giver[]

The Cheerful Giver allows the player to drop their own Gems as they move. The mod does not apply to the player if the they are standing on a Display Box or a Transmatter Field. Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Sack O' Joy grants the Cheerful Giver mod.

Wizardly Force[]

The Wizardly Force mod allows the player to fire a gust of wind at players and blocks. It increases the punching strength of the user, similar to the Fists O' Fury mod.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Wizard's Staff grants the Wizardly Force mod.

Flames Of Ajanti[]

The Flames Of Ajanti mod increases the mining speed of the user, similar to the Enhanced Digging mod.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Emerald Staff grants the Flames Of Ajanti mod.

Slightly Damp[]

The Slightly Damp mod encases the user in a bubble, allowing him or her to move faster in water. It also reduces the damage taken from Lava-like blocks.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Ring Of Water grants the Slightly Damp mod.

The One Ring[]

The One Ring mod causes the user's skin to turn invisible, leaving only his or her eyes and mouth visible.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 The One Ring grants The One Ring mod.

A Little Fishy[]

The A Little Fishy mod allows the user to swim faster in water, but move slower than usual outside of water.

Items that grant the A Little Fishy mod include:

Flaming Arrows[]

The Flaming Arrows mod increases the punching range of the player without decreasing the mining speed. It also allows the user to shoot arrows with flames.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Heatbow grants the Flaming Arrows mod.

Precision Tool[]

The Precision Tool mod decreases the punching range and mining speed of the user drastically. However, it allows the player to obtain Fossils from Fossil Rocks and similar blocks.

Items that grant the Precision Tool mod include:


The Chaos mod alters the player's punches into red swirls. On impact, it produces a soul, as seen when players respawn. It also increases the user's mining speed.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Chaos Cursed Wand grants the Chaos mod.


The Flamethrowin' mod allows the user to shoot flames.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Flamethrower grants the Flamethrowin' mod.


The Bunnyesque mod causes the user's skin to turn a pale white.

Items that grant the Bunnyesque mod include:

Geiger Counting[]

The Geiger Counting mod is granted when the player equips a Geiger Counter and does not have the Irradiated mod. It allows the player to search for radioactive items.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Geiger Counter grants the Geiger Counting mod.

Charging Geiger Counter[]

The Charging Geiger Counter mod is granted when the player equips a Dead Geiger Counter. As its name suggests, it charges the Dead Geiger Counter so that it can be used again.Note that removing the dead geiger counter will reset all progress on charging.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Dead Geiger Counter grants the Charging Geiger Counter mod.


The Irradiated mod is granted when the player finds a radioactive item via a Geiger Counter. It prevents the user from using a Geiger Counter.

The 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Uranium Necklace is the only item that grants the Irradiated mod for an indefinite amount of time, while successfully finding a radioactive item grants the player the mod for 30 minutes.


The Laserbeast mod is granted when the player equips a leash that shoots lasers.

Items that grant the Laserbeast mod include:

Flying Reindeer[]

The Flying Reinder mod is granted when the player equips a Magic Reindeer Bell, which causes the reindeer to fly around the player. When punching, the reindeer shoots lasers.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Magic Reindeer Bell grants the Flying Reindeer mod.

Flame Scythe[]

The Flame Scythe mod allows the user to shoot flames in the form of lightning.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Flame Scythe grants the Flame Scythe mod.

Fire Hose[]

The Fire Hose mod allows the user to fire streams of water. It increases the punching strength and range of the user and allows him or her to extinguish Fires. When active, the player is unable to break blocks.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Fire Hose grants the Fire Hose mod.

Hunting Ghosts[]

The Hunting Ghosts mod allows the user to pull Ghosts towards him- or herself.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Neutron Gun grants the Hunting Ghosts mod.

Ring Of Force[]

The Ring Of Force mod changes the color of the person's fist when punching to a translucent red. It increases the punching strength and mining speed of the user. When breaking blocks or harvesting trees, an exploding effect can be observed upon the destruction of the block.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Ring Of Force grants the Ring Of Force mod.

Iron MMMFF[]

The Iron MMMFF mod causes the subject's sent messages to be unreadable. The player's messages is replaced by sequences consisting of m's and f's.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Iron Mask grants the Iron MMMFF mod.

Prismatic Aura[]

The Prismatic Aura mod is granted when the player equips a Prismatic Aura. When active, it allows the user to jump twice, similar to the Double Jump.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Prismatic Aura grants the Prismatic Aura mod.


The Confetti mod allows the player to shoot confetti.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Confetti Cannon grants the Confetti mod.


The Dragoscarf mod is granted when the player equips Zraei's Dragoscarf. When active, the user's mining speed is increased. The player also shoots purple flames.

Only 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Zraei's Dragoscarf grants the Dragoscarf mod.

Flaming Hot[]

The Flaming Hot mod allows the user to shoot flames of colors depending on that of the sprite.

Items that grant the Flaming Hot mod include:

Cloak Of Falling Waters[]

The Cloak Of Falling Waters mod is granted when the user equips a Cloak of Falling Waters. When active, it increases the user's punching strength and allows the him or her to shoot streams of water which can be used to extinguish Fires. Unlike the Fire Hose mod, the user can break blocks while the mod is active.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Cloak of Falling Waters grants the Cloak Of Falling Waters mod.


The Soaked mod is granted when a player wearing a Cloak of Falling Waters punches another player. It causes the affected player to be soaked in water for 30 seconds.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Cloak of Falling Waters grants the Soaked mod.

Energized Horn[]

The Energized Horn mod is granted when a player equips a Diamond Horn. When worn, the player is able to either shoot lightning from the horns, call down lightning from the skies or shoot Heavenly Scythe-like projectiles. When active, the user's building range is increased by 1 tile.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Diamond Horn grants the Energized Horn mod.

I'm On A Shark![]

The I'm On A Shark! mod is granted when the player equips a leash resembling a shark.

Items that grant the I'm On A Shark! mod includes:

Ethereal Rainbow Dragon[]

The Ethereal Rainbow Dragon mod is granted when the player equips an Ethereal Rainbow Dragon. When active, a dragon is summoned in which its flames continuously change color in a similar style to the Shifty Block. It is possible to equip another leash and still have the rainbow flames shoot out of the secondary leash.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Ethereal Rainbow Dragon grants the Ethereal Rainbow Dragon mod.

Legendary! (Dragon of Legend)[]

The Legendary! mod (Dragon of Legend) is granted when the user equips a Dragon of Legend. When active, a gigantic purple dragon appears and follows the player around. The player's punches are replaced with the dragon's fire.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Dragon of Legend grants the Legendary! mod.

Legendary! (Legendbot-009)[]

The Legendary! mod (Legendbot-009) is granted when the player equips a Legendbot-009. When active, the player shoots explosive rockets instead of punching and allows the player to double jump. It also allows the player to kill zombies during a g-Virus Pandemic. The user's punching strength is also increased.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Legendbot-009 grants the Legendary! mod.

Legendary Swordsmaster[]

The Legendary Swordsmaster mod replaces the player's punches with a slashing effect. It also increases the user's punching range and strength, and mining speed.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Legendary Katana grants the Legendary Swordsmaster mod.

Whip of Truth[]

The Whip Of Truth mod allows the player to read a secret, the same effect when consuming a Secret Of Growtopia, whenever he or she punches someone.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Whip of Truth grants the Whip Of Truth mod.

Mark Of Growganoth[]

The Mark Of Growganoth mod causes the wearer's skin to turn pale white.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Cultist Hood grants the Mark Of Growganoth.

Neon Nerves[]

The Neon Nerves mod allows the player to run faster than usual. Also this mod leaves a rainbow trail behind the player.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Neon Nerves grants the Neon Nerves mod.

Slow-Fall: Ear Flap[]

The Slow-Fall: Ear Flap mod will allow the player to fall more slowly, and give the player a punch effect of peanuts being fired from the trunk.

Items that grants the Slow Fall: Ear Flap mod:

See also: Morty the Elephant (disambiguation)

Draconic Wings[]

The Draconic Wings mod allows the player to jump a second time mid-air, similar to the Double Jump mod.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Draconic Wings grant the Dragonic Wings mod.

Fistful Of Thunder[]

The Fistful Of Thunder mod allows the player to shoot lightnings.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Zeus' Lightning Bolt grants the Fistful of Thunder mod.

Crystal Vision[]

The Crystal Vision mod increases player's chance of finding a crystal from using a Geiger Counter by 2.5%.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Luminous Eyes grants the Crystal Vision mod.

XP Buff[]

The XP Buff mod gives a slight bonus to all XP gained by the player through a certain way.

Items that grant the XP Buff mod include:

Speedy & Punch Power[]

The Speedy & Punch Power mod increases the player's running speed and punching knockback.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Golem's Gift grants the Speedy & Punch Power mod.

Duct Tape
Feelin Blue'
Doctor Repulsion
Devil Horns
WinterFest Crown!
Mind Control



Balloon Immunity
Energy Drink Icon
XP Buff


The Curse mod sends the subject to HELL. For 10 minutes, the player is unable to leave the world.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Curse Wand grants the Curse mod.


The Ban mod causes the subject to be banned from the game. For 10 minutes, the player is prohibited from entering the game.

Banned players are players that have been blocked from logging on a set account because they were scamming, hacking or failed to follow the rules, resulting in a moderator, or the system banning the player. A player can be banned permanently or just for a while; this can be around 3 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, or 730 days.

If a player is in the same world as a player who is being banned, it will say:

** The Ancients have used Ban on <player name>! **

If a player was automatically banned by the system and a player was in the same world, it will say:

** <player name> AUTO-BANNED BY SYSTEM ** (/rules to view rules)

All players will see the following message when a player has been banned:

** The Ancient Ones have banned <player name> ** (/rules to see the rules!)

Moderators are usually responsible for handing out bans to players who break the rules. They can block players IP addresses to prevent players from making a new account.

The 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Ban Wand is the only item that grants the Ban mod.


  • Contrary to a popular belief, the Ban Wand is not obtainable by any means; it was a test item made by the developers early in the game during the Cinco De Mayo event.

Duct Tape[]

The Duct Tape mod causes the subject's sent messages to be unreadable. For 10 minutes, the player's messages is replaced by sequences consisting of m's and f's. The player would also be unable to edit Signs and Doors, Broadcast, private message, and write on Bulletin Boards, Mailboxes, Donation Boxes and similar items.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Duct Tape grants the Duct Tape mod.


The Frozen mod causes the affected player to be frozen for a period of time. While frozen, the player is unable to move.

Items/events that grant the Frozen mod include:


The Floating! mod causes the affected player to fly upwards for a few seconds.

Items that grant the Floating! mod includes:


The Saucy! mod causes the affected player's skin to turn red for 3 minutes.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Tomato grants the Saucy! mod.


The Egged! mod causes the affected player's skin to turn yellow for 3 minutes.

Items/events that grant the Egged mod include:

Feelin Blue'[]

The Feelin' Blue mod causes the affected player's skin to turn blue for an hour.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Blueberry grants the Feelin' Blue mod.


The Envious mod causes the affected player's skin to turn green for 15 minutes.

Items that grant the Envious mod include:

Doctor Repulsion[]

The Doctor Repulsion mod prevents other players from performing a surgery on the player, and disables the Legendary Title for some while.

Items that grant the Doctor Repulsion mod include:


The Caffeinated mod allows the affected user to walk faster for 5 seconds.

Only 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Coffee grants the Caffeinated mod.

Devil Horns[]

The Devil Horns mod causes the affected player to have devil horns for 30 minutes.

Items that grant the Devil Horns mod include:


The Lucky! mod grants the affected player a chance of obtaining five times the amount of Gems from breaking blocks.

Items/events that grant the Lucky! mod include:

ON FIRE!!![]

The ON FIRE!!! mod allows the affected player to move faster for 5 seconds. When consuming a Habanero Pepper, the player's skin turns red.

Items that grant the ON FIRE!!! mod include:

WinterFest Crown![]

The WinterFest Crown! mod is granted when a player consumes a Winterfest Paper Crown. When active, the player wears a crown.

Items that grant the WinterFest Crown! mod include:


The Infected! mod causes the affected player to turn into a Zombie for 90 seconds. During a G-Virus Pandemic, it lasts for 20 minutes.

Items/events that grant or have a chance of granting the Infected! mod include:


The Slimed! mod causes the player to move slower and jump lower for 6 seconds.

Items/events that grant the Slimed! mod include:

Mind Control[]

The Mind Control mod causes the player's directions to be switched for 6 seconds. Pressing the right button will cause the player to move to the left and vice versa.

The Mind Control mod is granted only when a Mind Ghost touches the player.


The Malpractice mod is granted when a player fails to complete a surgery. It prevents the player from performing a surgery for an hour. On Surgery Day, the cooldown is reduced to 15 minutes.

Recently Name-Changed[]

The Recently Name-Changed mod is applied after the player's name is changed. This mod restricts the alteration of the player's name for 60 days.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Birth Certificate grants the Recently Name-Changed mod.


The Recovering mod is granted when a player undergoes surgery. It prevents the player from undergoing another surgical operation for 4 hours (1 hour if the player was cured with a malady). On Surgery Day, the cooldown is reduced to 2 hours.


The Noob! mod is granted to accounts that have yet to complete the Growpedia quests. Upon completion, the mod is removed.


The Dishonoured mod prevents players from being able to participate in The Grand Tournament. It is granted when a player participating in The Grand Tournament leaves in the middle of a Pet Battle.


The Valentine mod causes the affected player's skin to turn pink for 1 hour. At the same time hearts while fly from the affected player to the player who used the consumable as long as they remain in the same world.

If a player is in the same world as the player who got affected by the Valentine mod, it will say:

>> (affected player's name) is now (player who used the consumable's name)'s valentine!

When a player is affected by the Valentine mod the following text will show:

You are somebody's valentine! (Valentine mod added, 1 hour left)

When a player is no longer affected by the Valentine mod the following text will show:

Yuck! (Valentine mod removed)

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Valentine grants the Valentine mod.

Balloon Immunity[]

The Balloon Immunity mod prevents the player from being hit by and throwing balloons for 5 seconds. This is automatically given to players upon entering a world during Balloon Warz.


The Megaphone! mod prevents the subject from broadcasting for 10 minutes.

It was added during Player Appreciation Week 2019 as a way to prevent players from bypassing the cooldown limit.

The mod is granted by consuming a 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Megaphone or by broadcasting using one of the broadcast commands (/bc - /cb - /sb)

XP Buff[]

The XP Buff mod gives a slight bonus to all XP gained by the player through a certain way.

Items that grant the XP Buff mod include:

The Xenonite mod gives/restricts some particular mods.

Only the 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250102111950 Xenonite Crystal grants this mod.
