Growtopia Wikia

32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Pet Trainer Whistle

You know how to battle a Pet Trainer, right? You just put your lips together, and blow this whistle. You might want to have a fully stocked Battle Leash first though, because Pet Trainers won't stay around waiting to fight you forever!
Barang ini tidak mengeluarkan seed.
Tipe32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Sekali Pakai
Chi32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Wind
Jenis Tekstur32?format=original&fill=cb-20190918130753 Tunggal
Jenis Tabrakan32?format=original&fill=cb-20210825035341 Tanpa Tabrakan
Kekerasan32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 2 Pukulan
32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 2 Pukulan
Kembali Normal 2d bila tidak dipukul.
Warna Seed16?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735
Waktu Tumbuh32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104736 1j 0m 0d
Gems Yang Didapatkan32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 N/A
32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Perdagangan NPC
Beli 1 item ini di 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Locke The Salesman or 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Lock-Bot seharga 32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 World Lock (x5).
"Fancy a challenge? Blow this whistle to call up one of the mighty Pet Trainers to battle! You'll need to have a fully loaded Battle Leash with 2 pets to fight them. You should also know that they won't stick around forever - they get bored waiting for a fight. So be ready before you blow that whistle!"

Pet Trainer Whistle adalah sebuah item sekali pakai yang hanya bisa didapat di Locke The Salesman seharga 5 World Lock


Saat dikonsumsi, Pet Trainer akan muncul di world.
