Hari Pertama - 19 Agustus[]
Fitur baru di World Lock, Sekarang owner dapat mengatur Level berapa saja yang boleh masuk ke worldnya, "Set World Timer" adalah sebuah fitur yang burfungsi untuk membatasi berapa lama player harus di world itu, dan yang terakhir "Set Home as a World" yang biasanya digunakan untuk perintah /sethome.
Fitur baru Rayman's Fist, yang memungkinkan pemain untuk beralih Globox dengan melengkapi kembali tinju.
Updated the TOURNAMENT world's auto-balance system and allow only people who have a Battle Leash equipped to enter the world.
Sekarang mengganti nama akan dibataasin 60 hari sekali, Sebelumnya 30 Hari
Hari Kedua - 20 Agustus[]
Growtopia Gazette |
August 20th: Player Appreciation Week Day 2 Balancing Extravaganza! Hello Growtopians, It's Player Appreciation Week 2019, Day 2! Today we're adding a cool new Weather Machine - Stargazing and TK69's sponsored item, the Mystical Etherboard! Look at the stars to find them! We've also fixed the World of the Day's record limit and spread some balancing changes across a wide number of systems, recipes, and more! Go forth and discover them all! |
- New World Of The Day fix that prevents old WOTDs from losing their WOTD status.
- Players will now receive 3 Stuff Blocks from Geiger Counter, instead of 1.
- To make Bacon, grind 30 Magic Bacon Wallpaper instead of 50.
- Tomb Robber is now permanent.
- Kaleidoscopic Wallpaper's drop count changed from 5 to 10.
- Steam Lamp's drop count changed from 1 to 3.
- Marshmallow's drop count changed from 1 to 7.
- Chainlink Fence's drop count changed from 1 to 5.
- Z.D.F. Fence's drop count changed from 1 to 5.
- Objective Marker's drop count changed from 1 to 3.
- BBQ Bacon Burger gives 100 gems instead of 50 gems per villain defeated.
- Ancestral Seed of Life's buff increased for all levels.
- Daily Blocks have been nerfed to drop less, so they are not as common.
- The World Locks required per CyBot Laboratory recipe has been reduced.
- Daily Quests have been rebalanced to prevent a bunch of items from being requested; Crayons, Number Blocks, Superhero clothes, Surgery Tool seeds, Fossil Brush seed, Star Tool seed, Amethyst Block /seed.
Hari Ketiga - 21 Agustus[]
Growtopia Gazette |
August 21st: Player Appreciation Week Day 3 - Catwalk Cuties! Hello Growtopians, It's Player Appreciation Week 2019, Day 3! Today we bring you the all-new Moderator rank: Guardians! This means more manpower to give everyone a smoother gaming experience! Also, looking to add a little color to your life? Or maybe just feeling a little catty? Try out the new Rainbow Scarf and Black Cat Ears! There are a few more clothing items for you to discover, too! Go and find them all! |
- Rainbow Scarf
- Black Cat Ears
- Chic White Dress
- Toucan's Bill
- White Tuxedo
- Blue and Black Tuxedo
- Lace A-Line Dress
The new rank Game Guardians was added to the game which is a tier lower than Moderators. Guardians have limited commands but they still have some moderating power in the game as well. Six players were granted the rank Guardian and they received access to commands allowing them to warn players and issue light punishments. They are also able to flag players who are breaking the rules, so Ubistaff or Moderators are able to investigate further.
New Megaphone! mod was introduced to prevent bypassing the cooldown limit.
Hari Keempat - 22 Agustus[]
- Samurai's Kabuto
- Samurai's Do Armor
- Samurai's Suneate & Leggings
- Samurai's Waraji
- Valkyrie's Helm
- Valkyrie's Cuirass
- Valkyrie's Wings
- Valkyrie's Sandals
- Map of Loki
Sekarang player dapat menggunakan perintah /sassy. Gem packs were also buffed to give more gems.
Hari Kelima - 23 Agustus[]
- Safe Vault
- Girls's School Uniform Shirt
- Girls's School Uniform Skirt
- Boy's School Uniform Shirt
- Boy's School Uniform Pants
All store items and packs were reduced in price by 20% and Growtoken items were reduced by 5% until the end of the day.
Hari Keenam - 24 Agustus[]
Sekarang player yang melakukan Chemsynth akan mendapatkan 100 XP.
Hari Ketujuh - 25 Agustus[]
Sekarang player dapat menggunakan perintah /dance2