Growtopia Wikia

32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 World Lock

Locks an entire world. If you have 100 World Locks, you can tap them in your inventory to combine them into a Diamond Lock. It does the same thing, but it's shinier.
Barang ini tidak mengeluarkan seed.
Barang ini memiliki kemampuan spesial yang dapat anda modifikasi dengan Wrench.
Barang ini tidak dapat dihancurkan - Menghancurkan barang ini akan kembali ke backpackmu bila masih ada ruang!
Lock yang membuat Anda (dan teman yang ditunjuk) yang dapat mengedit suatu area.
Tipe32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Kunci - Latar Depan
Chi32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Water
Jenis Tekstur32?format=original&fill=cb-20190918130753 Tunggal
Jenis Tabrakan32?format=original&fill=cb-20210825035341 Tabrakan Penuh
Kekerasan32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 42 Pukulan
32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 32 Pukulan
Kembali Normal 5d bila tidak dipukul.
Warna Seed16?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735
Waktu Tumbuh32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104736 1j 0m 0d
Gems Yang Didapatkan32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 N/A
Warna Cat
32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735Tidak Ada
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Merah
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Kuning
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Hijau
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Aqua
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Biru
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Ungu
32?format=original&fill=cb-2025021310473532?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Hitam
32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Growtopia Store
Beli World Lock seharga 2,000 di Growtopia Store.
"Become the undisputed ruler of your domain with one of these amazing babies. It works like a normal lock except it locks the entire world! Won't work on worlds that other people already have locks on. You can even add additional normal locks to give access to certain areas to friends. It's a perma-item, and is never lost when destroyed. Recycles for 200 Gems"
Setiap pembelian akan mendapatkan 1 item.
32?format=original&fill=cb-20250213104735 Growtopia Store
Beli World Lock Pack seharga 20,000 di Growtopia Store.
"10-pack of World Locks. Become the undisputed ruler of up to TEN kingdoms with these babies. Each works like a normal lock except it locks the entire world! Won't work on worlds that other people already have locks on. You can even add additional normal locks to give access to certain areas to friends. It's a perma-item, is never lost when destroyed. Each recycles for 200 Gems."
Setiap pembelian akan mendapatkan 10 item.