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Growtopia Wiki

32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 2014 - Zodiac Year of the Horse

A very special year was the Year of the Horse! Growtopians born in this year as said to be warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and positive. The horse can be seen as the symbol of independence and freedom! Harvesting Fortune Cookie & Lucky Fortune Cookie trees with this item equipped gives a chance of twice the yield.
This item never drops any seeds.
Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Hand - Clothes
Texture Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20190918130753 Single
Collision Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20210825035341 Full Collision
Hardness32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 0 Hits
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 0 Hits
Restores after 0s of inactivity.
Seed Color16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541
Grow Time32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 1h 0m 0s
Default Gems Drop32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 N/A
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 During Lunar New Year 2021
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Realm of Nian
1 has a chance to be a prize after successfully using Chinese Fireworks on The Monster Nian at the end of the REALMOFNIAN world.
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Growtopia Store
Purchase the Zodiac Animals : Collect them all for 200,000 32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 in the Growtopia Store.
"Every Oriental Spice Spray Pack purchased will add progress to unlocking Zodiac Animals!

There's an animal representing anniversary of Growtopia! Each Zodiac Animal will be available for 8 Hours. This will be the only time will be available in the store.

The first animal unlocked will be the mighty Zodiac Ox! The next Animals unlocked will be chosen randomly! Any Zodiac Animals remaining locked at the end of the event will return along with the 2022 Animal! So the collection can continue!"
Every purchase will give 1 item.

The 2014 - Zodiac Year of the Horse is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Lunar New Year 2021 on February 4, 2021.


CheckboxEnabled   Zodiac Powers!
Checkbox0   Another Year!

When equipped, the 2014 - Zodiac Year of the Horse grants the Speedy & Cookie Hunter : Zodiac Year of the Horse mod, which allows the player to move faster on land (stacks with other Speedy mod items) and provides a significant chance of doubling fruit drops from Fortune Cookie and Lucky Fortune Cookie Trees.

