Growtopia Wiki

This page shows you which items you can farm, and whether it might be risky farming it.

All items that grow on trees have a drop chance, this is always a multiple of four, four being the lowest and 40 (Rock Background) being the highest. As 1 in 5 blocks drop seeds (citation needed), any tree that can drop 8 or more blocks (drop chance 8) is considered "farmable".


  • Farmable: Will increase over time.
  • Very Farmable: Increases dramatically. 
  • Not Farmable: Decreases overtime.
  • Gamble: Possibilty of it decreasing or increasing.
  • Plateau: Changes are minimal (difference of 1 or 2)


Amber Glass: Farmable

B​lue Starry wallpaper: Farmable

Barn Block: Farmable

Barn Door: Planteau

Black Block: Farmable

Blue Block: Gamble

Bricks: Very Farmable

Brown Block: Farmable

Bubble Wrap: Not Farmable

Blueberry: Gamble

Bush: Not Farmable

Blackrock Wall: Farmable


Cave Background: Very Farmable

Crappy SignGamble

Chandelier: Plateau


Daisy: Not Farmable

Death Spikes: Farmable

Dirt: Very Farmable

Door: Farmable

Dreamstone Block: Not Farmable

Dungeon Door: Planteau


Evil Bricks: Farmable


Flowery Wallpaper: Farmable


Glass Pane: Farmable

Glass Block: Farmable

Golden Block: Gamble

Grass: Very Farmable

Grimstone: Farmable


Happy Joy Plaque: Farmable

High Tech Block: Plateau/Farmable

High Tech Wall: Plateau/Gamble


Ice: Gamble


Jade Block: Gamble



Lava: Vary Farmable

Lava Rock: Farmable

Lava Cube: Very Farmable


Mud Glob: Not Farmable

Mushroom: Farmable

Military Radio: Not Farmable



Orange Block: Farmable


Pointy Sign: Gamble

Pastel Blocks (Applies to All): Farmable

pastel Flowery blocks (Applies to All): Planteau

Purple Block: Planteau

Pinball Bumper: Planteau



Red Block: Farmable

Red Wood Wall: Gamble

Rock: Planteau

Rock Background: Very Farmable

Rose: Not Farmable


Sign: Gamble

Space Connector: Farmable

Sugar Cane: Very Farmable

Super Crate Box: Plateau

Sheet Music: Blank: Farmable

Sheet Music: Drums: Farmable

Steel Block: Gamble


Toilet: Not Farmable

Torch: Farmable



Venus Guytrap: Farmable


White Block: Farmable

Wood Block: Farmable

Wooden Background: Very Farmable

Wooden Platform: Gamble

Wooden Table: Not Farmable

Wheat: Farmable



Yellow Block: Farmable

