Worn by a hitchiker who made instructions for navigating through the galaxy! To avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until February 20th 2025
Purchase the Galaxy Cloak for 9.99 USD in the Growtopia Store.
"Worn by a hitchiker who made instructions for navigating through the galaxy! To avoid refund fraud, this item has been made untradeable until February 20th 2025"
Drops in sets of 1 from performing a surgery on a/an: Player on a Hospital Bed Player on a Starship Sickbay Bed Surg-E This item is obtained as an uncommon/rare drop!
Obtainable since October 18, 2024.
The Galaxy Cloak is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Wonder Week 2024 Day 4 on October 17, 2024.
To infinity and beyond!!
When equipped, Galaxy Cloak grants the Double Jump & Speedy : Galaxy Cloakmod, which allows the player to jump a second time in mid-air and run faster on land.