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Growtopia Wiki

32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 Genetic Resequencer

Wrench a Battle Pet Cage with a pet inside, and you can use this to resequence their DNA. It will rotate the order of their 3 powers, so that their 1st gene-spliced ability becomes their natural ability, and thus their appearance.
This item never drops any seeds.
This item has no use... by itself.
Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 Component
Chi32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 Wind
Texture Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20190918130753 Single
Collision Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20210825035341 No Collision
Hardness32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 2 Hits
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 2 Hits
Restores after 2s of inactivity.
Seed Color16?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114700
Grow Time32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114700 1h 0m 0s
Default Gems Drop32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 N/A
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 NPC Trading
Buy 1 of this item from 32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 Pet Trainer for 32?format=png&fill=cb-20250123114659 Pet Trainer Medal (x10).
"Oh, so you're a pro yourself! I have some things I'd be happy to trade for more medals."

The Genetic Resequencer is an unsplicable component which was added as part of the Pet Battles update.


Holding a Genetic Resequencer in the player's inventory allows them to change the order of their battle pet. The first gene-spliced pet will become the natural pet (the pet which is shown during the battle) while the former natural pet will become the second gene-spliced pet. The second gene-spliced pet will move up to become the first gene-spliced pet.
