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Glitch Seeds refer to any type of seed which is now no longer obtainable and was never intended to be introduced making them extremely rare. Some glitched seeds were later reintroduced.

Tangram Block Seeds[]

Before June 2013, each Tangram Block (A-L) dropped their own seed. However, this was considered to be inefficient as it took up 24 inventory slots (12 blocks and 12 seeds). The Tangram Block was later changed to drop only the Tangram Block A seed and a Tangram Block tree would "bear a surprising fruit", giving any of the 12 Tangram Blocks when harvested. All glitched Tangram Block seeds were renamed to "Tangram Seed", but upon dropping the glitched seed, it will display the name of the seed.

On March 2015, Locke's Mystery Box dropped glitched Tangram Block seeds upon smashing them. This was quickly patched.

NOTE: Only Tangram Block B to L are glitched.

Rollback Plaque Seeds[]

See the Rollback page for more information on the first and second rollback.

Rollback Plaque Seed

The Rollback Plaque Seed

When the first Rollback occurred on February 2013, the Rollback Plaque was introduced. It had rarity 3 and its seed was accidentally released through the Small Seed Pack for 50 Gems. This was quickly removed from the store and is considered to be extremely rare.

During the second Rollback, the Rollback Plaque II was introduced. During the event, a seed was a possible drop upon breaking a Rollback Plaque II. This seed was also accidentally released through the Small Seed Pack. However, after the event, the seeds were no longer obtainable, making them currently unobtainable.

All further rollbacks have not released any Rollback Plaque Seeds.

Gilded Frame Seeds[]


The Gilded Frame Seed

When the Gilded Frame was added during the Artsy April update, its seed was accidentally released through the Small Seed Pack, due to it being rarity 5. This was quickly removed upon being noticed.

Card Block Seeds[]

During May 2013, the Vegas Pack was introduced which added four Card Blocks: Card Block - Spade, Card Block - Diamond, Card Block - Heart and Card Block - Club. When the Tangram Block seeds B-L was removed, it was decided that Card Blocks would also drop one seed too, dropping the Card Block - Spade seed. This meant that the other Card Blocks would no longer drop their respective seed.

Unlike the Tangram Block seeds, the Card Block seeds were never obtainable from Locke's Mystery Box.

Chemical Seeds[]

When the Mad Science Kit was introduced in July 2013, six new chemicals were introduced: Chemical G, Chemical R, Chemical Y, Chemical B, Chemical P and the Mysterious Chemical. Due to Chemical R and Chemical Y's low rarity, they were introduced in the Small Seed Pack for 50 Gems, while Chemical B and Chemical P was found in the Rare Seed Pack for 500 Gems. Shortly after its release, the seeds were removed from the store, making them extremely rare.

There are Chemical Trees in SEIL and IHH.

GHX Speaker Seeds[]

When the GHX Speaker was introduced in the Cinema Pack during May 2014, it had no rarity (or rarity 999). It was considered as a normal block instead of a perma-item block. When players broke the block, it would either drop seeds, gems or nothing. This was quickly patched, making the GHX Speaker as a perma-item, meaning that the GHX Speaker Seeds are extremely rare.

Since the item has a rarity of 999, it would take exactly 31 years, 224 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes and 9 seconds to grow. However, the grow time of rarity 999 items has now been changed to one hour.

Forcefield Seeds[]

Forcefield Seed

The Forcefield Seed

During October 2014, the Forcefield was introduced along with the Astro Pack. Forcefields were rarity 101 and were made by mixing in Chemical Combiners, meaning that they were not supposed to drop seeds. However, when they were first released, smashing them would drop Forcefield Seeds or nothing. This was later patched, making Forcefield seeds extremely rare.

Sungate Seeds[]

Sungate Seed

The Sungate Seed

During November 2014, the Desert Blast was introduced which had a small chance of spawning a Sungate. Upon breaking the Sungate, there was an extremely small chance for a Sungate Seed to drop. However, due to it being difficult to find, it took a while to patch it and not many instances still exist.

There is 1 final seed and it is displayed at JACKBOWE.

Mutated Seed Core[]

During the Night of the Sewing Dead, the Mutated Seed was introduced which could be used to splice various clothing. However, some players compacted these clothes in a Clothing Compactor and got a glitched Mutated Seed back, unable to use this to splice other items.

As a result, the Mutated Seed Core was introduced which replaced the sprite of all glitched Mutated Seeds. If a player had a Mutated Seed Core in their backpack, they could turn it into a regular Mutated Seed by moving to any other world or by logging off. Some rare instances of the Mutated Seed Core still exist, stuck in Display Blocks as they cannot be taken out and moved to other worlds.

Cosmic Clothing Seeds[]

Prior to March 2017, all cosmic clothing items could be compacted using the Clothing Compactor. However, players exploited an unfair profit strategy where they used Hand Scythes to harvest the trees for higher yield of cosmic clothing items, then compacting the clothes with a high chance of obtaining the Galactic Starseed back, and repeating the process. Therefore, DEV team took action and removed compactability of all cosmic clothing items. However, cosmic clothing seeds still exist, which are immensely rare nowadays.

The table shows the status of all spliceable cosmic clothings:

Spliceable Cosmic Clothing Status
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Comet Beanie CheckboxEnabled   Seed was obtained but no known instances
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Comet Pants CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Comet Shirt CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Cosmic Hair CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Cosmic Lenses CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Cosmic Mustache CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Cosmic Skirt Checkbox0   Unknown
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Cosmic Unicorn Bracelet Checkbox0   Unknown
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Helmet Of Darkness CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Onisim's Genie CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Riding Comet CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Riding Meteor CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Rocket Pack CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Spaceman Pants Seed does not exist, item was released much later
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Spaceman Suit Seed does not exist, item was released much later
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Star Night Hoodie Seed does not exist, item was released much later
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Velour Space Uniform CheckboxEnabled   Seed is known to exist

Here are some images of cosmic clothing seeds owned by players:

A bundle that contains all existing Cosmic Clothing Seeds displayed in display shelves can be seen below:

Roots Seeds[]

On 11 July, 2019, shortly after the release of the Roots update, players were able to obtain the seeds of Root blocks and from completing Crazy Jim quests or could be found in Harvest Moon Blasted worlds.

The Harvest Moon Blasts were patched within a few hours and the seeds from Crazy Jim were removed the next day.

Half 1
Glitched Root Block Seeds
Half 2
Glitched Mature Root Block Seeds

GrowShow TV Seed[]


GrowShow TV Seed

On 1 May 2020, the GrowShow TV was introduced and was accidentally released such that it was able to drop seeds. It was patched a few hours later and the item no longer drops seeds.

Spooky Display Shelf Seed[]

Spooky Display Shelf Seed

Spooky Display Shelf Seed

The Spooky Display Shelf was introduced in Halloween Week 2020. Upon breaking, Spooky Display Shelves will drop either the Spooky Display Shelf seeds or nothing when broken; however, this issue was fixed roughly 6 hours after the launch of the update and the item no longer drops seeds.

Diamond Pongal Vase Seed[]

On 1st December, 2024, Diamond Pongal Vase was released as a prize of Diamond Builders Bonanza. During the first day of their release, Diamond Pongal Vases could be broken to drop its seed, unlike other diamond items. The glitch was patched the next day.

Null Seed (No longer exists)[]

On 5th of October, 2013, players were able to obtain an item called the Null Seed from Harvest Moon Blasted worlds. A Null Seed is designed to represent a seed for an item which has not been released to the public yet. If a player recycled a Null Seed, they were able to obtain between 4,294,967,295 Gems and -4,294,967,295 Gems.

Within hours, the economy was ruined and the Rollback II was implemented to restore the economy. The glitch seed was removed from the game and no longer exists. Prior to SummerFest 2018, some players managed to obtain null_items, however, they later converted into the item when the event came along.

Snowtopian Seed (No longer Exist)[]

On 1st December, 2019, when Snowtopian was first introduced to the game, there was a glitch that allowed a 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Snowtopian Seed to drop when a player broke Snowtopian blocks. Due to Snowtopian being a recognizably rare item, at those times, very few seeds were obtained by players. These seeds were unknowingly planted and harvested later on, leading to the complete disappearance of the 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Snowtopian Seeds today.

Zeus' Lightning Bolt Seed (No longer exists)[]

  • On 14th December, 2020, a glitch occured whereby players could create any item and seed using Challenge Timers. Some players abused this technique to create 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Zeus' Lightning Bolt Seeds and spread them to the community. Upon realisation, the developer team quickly took action and locked the Zeus' Lightning Bolt Seeds together with many other items that were affected by the same glitch in order to prevent the issue from growing bigger. After the glitch was patched, all the 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Zeus' Lightning Bolt Seeds were removed from the game. However, there are some Painting Easels exist with 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Zeus' Lightning Bolt Seed painted on them as a remark of their existence.

Turkey Fight Entrance Seed (No longer exist)[]

On November 19, 2022, first day of Thanksgiving Week 2022, Turkey Fight Entrance was implemented as a gate that was used in SGTSTUFFINSREVENGE event only was not available to regular players in any way. However, 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Turkey Fight Entrance Seed was accidentally made obtainable through Crazy Jim's Life Goals. The glitch was patched qucikly and all Turkey Fight Entrance Seeds were removed from the game. However, some 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Turkey Fight Entrance Seeds can be seen painted on Painting Easels nowadays, as a remark of their existence.

Neon Live Sign Seed (No longer exist)[]

On March 15, 2023, when the Neon Live Sign was first introduced to the game, it could drop its seed when broken. This glitch went unpatched for a considerable amount of time because it was not recognized by anyone. This was due to the fact that the Neon Live Sign is not a perma-block, which led players to avoid placing and breaking such an exclusive block. However, as soon as the glitch was recognized by the developer team, it was quickly patched. Additionally, all 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Neon Live Sign Seeds were removed from the game, as the developer team did not want an exclusive block to be farmed and reproduced. However, some 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Neon Live Sign Seeds can be seen painted on Painting Easels nowadays, as a remark of their existence.

Dungeons Cave Background Seed (No longer exist)[]

Dungeons Cave Background Seed

Dungeons Cave Background Seed

  • On the first day of the Dungeons 2024 update,  Dungeons Cave Background trees could appear in Harvest Moon Blasted worlds, allowing players to harvest them. Additionally, being rarity 1,  16?format=png&fill=cb-20250117021541 Dungeons Cave Background Seeds were obtainable through breaking as well. The glitch was patched the next day and all existing blocks and seeds were locked, followed by a removal from the game. However, Dungeons Cave Background blocks and seeds that were painted on Painting Easels or placed in Weather Machine - Stuff were left behind as a remark of their existence.

Bedrock and Bedrock Seeds[]

In February 2013, there was a glitch which allowed players to break Bedrock. Bedrock has a rarity of 1 and is extremely farmable. It was quickly patched and all Bedrock and Bedrock Seeds were removed from players inventories while worlds were manually repaired. They cannot be picked up and when they do, it will be instantly erased or cause an auto-ban. However, there are many worlds which were not repaired and have chunks of Bedrock missing (see Glitched Worlds).

In 2018, the remaining Bedrock seeds were removed from the game, however, Bedrock blocks can still be seen in the world 2021.

Clothing Seeds (No longer considered as glitched)[]


Previously glitched Fairy Wings Seed.

During January 2013, clothing tree seeds were able to drop clothing seeds when harvested. However, this was never intended and was later removed from the game, making clothing seeds extremely rare. The only clothing seed which was obtainable was the Wizard Hat Seed which came with the purchase of the Fantasy Pack.

On the 22nd of March, 2015, Locke The Traveling Salesman was introduced, along with the Clothing Compactor. The Clothing Compactor had an extremely rare chance of giving a clothing seed, bringing back clothing seeds. Clothing seeds are now no longer rare and are far easier to obtain.

Black Braids Tree (No longer considered as glitched)[]

Before the Black Braids were officially released, a Black Braids seed of rarity 999 was found. When planted, it would take exactly 31 years, 224 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes and 9 seconds to grow. Later, when Black Braids was released as an official item, the tree no longer existed.

Cow Skull Seed (Beta only)[]

Before SummerFest 2015, Beta was introduced to players. Through Harvest Moon Blasts, players managed to find the Cow Skull and the Cow Skull Seed. The Cow Skull was invisible to players, however, the seed was found to be rarity 1. Later, outside of Beta, the Cow Skull was officially released to the public but did not drop any seeds.
