Healing Beam
Field medic reporting for duty! Send those blocks back to their maker...
PropertiesDataType | Hand - Clothes |
Chi | None |
Texture Type | Single |
Collision Type | Full Collision |
Hardness | 0 Hits 0 Hits Restores after 0s of inactivity. |
Seed Color | #DAF5F8 #60C851 |
Grow Time | 1h 0m 0s |
Default Gems Drop | N/A |
Consumption |
Consume a(n) Grow4Good Special Gift Hamper (x1). |
May yield 1 item each. |
The Healing Beam is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Grow4Good Week 2023 on April 20, 2023.
When equipped, the Healing Beam grants the Punch Range + Punch Damage : Healing Beam! mod, which allows the player to punch one tile farther and break blocks faster.