Magic Magnet
Tired of wading through clouds of items and loading up your inventory with random junk when all you want is a single thing? Just tune this magnet to the proper frequencies and it'll nab exactly what you're missing as you move past!
PropertiesThis item never drops any seeds.
DataType | Hand - Clothes |
Chi | None |
Texture Type | Single |
Collision Type | Full Collision |
Hardness | 0 Hits 0 Hits Restores after 0s of inactivity. |
Seed Color | #657392 #3A3A3A |
Grow Time | 1h 0m 0s |
Default Gems Drop | N/A |
Spring Clash Parkour |
Consume a Spring Clash Finale Ticket during an active Spring Seasonal Clash and complete CLASHPARKOUR. This prize is claimable from Finale Claim 1 up to Finale Claim 9 with higher chances of being received at a higher Finale Claim. |
May yield 1 item each. |
This item is obtained as a random drop! |
The Magic Magnet is an unsplicable hand item which was added as part of Spring Clash 2019.
When equipped, this item grants a mod which restricts the player from collecting any item that isn't selected in the player's inventory.
- The Heroic Tights of Prevention works in quite a similar manner to the Magic Magnet, preventing players from picking up items. However, the former doesn't have the latter's special ability of allowing the player to choose one type of item they want to pick up.
- The abilities of both items do not work on gems; the player may still pick up gems as usual while equipping the items.