Growtopia Wiki
This is the Item Of The Month for December 2020.

32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 Mystic Snow Fox

There are many tales about this many tailed fox! Wearing the tail allows you to change your form into that of the mystic fox of legend itself!
This item never drops any seeds.
This item can be transmuted.
Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 Back - Clothes
Texture Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20190918130753 Single
Collision Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20210825035341 Full Collision
Hardness32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 0 Hits
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 0 Hits
Restores after 0s of inactivity.
Seed Color16?format=png&fill=cb-20241201073830
Grow Time32?format=png&fill=cb-20241201073827 1h 0m 0s
Default Gems Drop32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 N/A
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 No Longer Available
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 Growtopia Store
Purchase the Mystic Snow Fox for 200,000 32?format=png&fill=cb-20241202093458 in the Growtopia Store.
"There are many tales about this many tailed fox! Wearing the tail allows you to change your form into that of the mystic fox of legend itself!"
Every purchase will give 1 item.
This item cannot be obtained anymore via this method.

The Mystic Snow Fox is an unsplicable back item that was added as December 2020’s Item Of The Month on December 3, 2020.


CheckboxEnabled   Mystic tails propel me!
Checkbox0   A fox no more!

When equipped, it will grant the Double-Jump: Mystic Snow Fox! mod, which will allow the player to jump for a second time in mid-air. It will transform the player's character into a mystic fox using the Mystic Transform Crystal by consuming it.

The Mystic Snow Fox releases small particle-like stars while walking or standing.


