Growtopia Wiki

32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Open Sign (Rarity: 59)

You can punch this to switch it between Open and Closed! Let people know if you're around.
This item has special properties you can adjust with the Wrench.
Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Toggleable Block - Foreground
Chi32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Wind
Texture Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20190918130753 Single
Collision Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20210825035341 No Collision
Hardness32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 4 Hits
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 3 Hits
Restores after 4s of inactivity.
Seed Color16?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080247
Grow Time32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 2d 9h 32m 29s
Default Gems Drop32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 0 - 15
Paint Preview
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Red
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Yellow
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Green
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Aqua
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Blue
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Purple
32?format=png&fill=cb-2025020608024832?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Charcoal
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Growtopia Store
Purchase the Shop Pack for 10,000 32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 in the Growtopia Store.
"Run a fancy shop with these new items! You'll get 4 Display Boxes to hold items, 4 different kinds of signs to advertise your wares, an Open/Closed Sign you can switch with a punch, a Cash Register, a Mannequin you can dress up to show off clothing, and a Rare Security Camera, which reports when people enter and take items!"
Every purchase will give 1 item.
32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Splicing
The tree of this item can be made by mixing the following seeds:
16?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080247 Street Sign Seed
16?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080247 White Wallpaper Seed

The Open Sign is a splicable toggleable foreground block which was added alongside the Shop Pack on January 24, 2014.


Being a toggleable foreground block, an Open Sign allows eligible players to on and off the Open Sign by punching it. When toggled on, the item will display the word “OPEN”. When toggled off, it will display the word “CLOSED”. It can be wrenched to be made public or not.


32?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080248 Stadium Up to 4 can be dropped from harvesting its tree, made by splicing:
•   16?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080247 Open Sign Seed + 16?format=png&fill=cb-20250206080247 Dark Grey Block Seed