This is the Item Of The Month for June 2021.
Pure Being of Light and Shadow
The essence of a pure being. This shard of pure light and dark fuses with your own essence and leaves you purified.
PropertiesThis item never drops any seeds.
DataType | Pants - Clothes |
Chi | None |
Texture Type | Single |
Collision Type | Full Collision |
Hardness | 0 Hits 0 Hits Restores after 0s of inactivity. |
Seed Color | #000000 #FFFFFF |
Grow Time | 1h 0m 0s |
Default Gems Drop | N/A |
No Longer Available | ||||
| ||||
This item cannot be obtained anymore via this method. |
The Pure Being of Light and Shadow an unsplicable pants item which was added as June 2021’s Item Of The Month on June 1, 2021.
Your essence has been purified! |
Fallen from grace! |
When equipped, it grants the Speedy: Pure Being mod which allows the player to run faster. Equipping the item will allow the player to have a light or dark glow, re-equipping will interchange the appearance while replacing the punch effect into a beam of whichever shade the player has equipped.