Growtopia Wiki

32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Rock Platform (Rarity: 5)

It's like a Wooden Platform that's been sitting outside since prehistoric times.
Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Platform - Foreground
Chi32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Earth
Texture Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20190918130753 Horizontal
Collision Type32?format=png&fill=cb-20210825035341 Collision on top
Hardness32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 3 Hits
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 3 Hits
Restores after 8s of inactivity.
Seed Color16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543
Grow Time32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140544 4m 35s
Default Gems Drop32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 0 - 1
Paint Preview
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Red
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Yellow
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Green
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Aqua
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Blue
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Purple
32?format=png&fill=cb-2024110114054332?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Charcoal
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Growtopia Store
Purchase the Prehistoric Pack for 5,000 32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 in the Growtopia Store.
"Travel way back in time with this pack, including full Caveman and Cavewoman outfits, 10 Cliffside, 5 Rock Platform, a Cave Entrance, 3 Prehistoric Palm, and a Rare Sabertooth Growtopian (that's a mask of sorts). Unleash your inner monster!"
Every purchase will give 5 items.
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140544 Splicing
The tree of this item can be made by mixing the following seeds:
16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Cliffside Seed
16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Mars Rock Seed
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Consumption
Consume a(n) 32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Winter Gift (x1).
May yield 1 item each.

The Rock Platform is a splicable platform foreground block which was added alongside the Prehistoric Pack on December 13, 2013.


A Rock Platform behaves as a platform, thus a player can jump pass through it from underneath.


32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Buckskin Hood Up to 4 can be dropped from harvesting its tree, made by splicing:
•   16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Rock Platform Seed + 16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Cave Entrance Seed
→   Requires Growch heart size 6.
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Candy Cane Platform Up to 4 can be dropped from harvesting its tree, made by splicing:
•   16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Rock Platform Seed + 16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Sugar Cane Seed
→   Requires Growch heart size 7.
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Cave Platform Up to 4 can be dropped from harvesting its tree, made by splicing:
•   16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Rock Platform Seed + 16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Cave Column Seed
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Flat-top Up to 4 can be dropped from harvesting its tree, made by splicing:
•   16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Rock Platform Seed + 16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Wooden Table Seed
32?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Hover Platform Up to 4 can be dropped from harvesting its tree, made by splicing:
•   16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Rock Platform Seed + 16?format=png&fill=cb-20241101140543 Starseed