Supplier's Cape
The best Suppliers bring a wide assortment of goods for trade, and what better way to show them off than with this multicoloured, ever-shifting cape? Don this garment and enjoy bonus points for any Supplier - that's Farmer, Surgeon, Fisher, and Star Captain, at the moment - Role quest you undertake!
PropertiesThis item never drops any seeds.
DataType | Back - Clothes |
Chi | None |
Texture Type | Single |
Collision Type | Full Collision |
Hardness | 0 Hits 0 Hits Restores after 0s of inactivity. |
Seed Color | #FF360C #0096E6 |
Grow Time | 1h 0m 0s |
Default Gems Drop | N/A |
Winter Clash Parkour |
Consume a Winter Clash Finale Ticket during an active Winter Seasonal Clash and complete CLASHPARKOUR. This prize is claimable from Finale Claim 1 up to Finale Claim 9 with higher chances of being received at a higher Finale Claim. |
May yield 1 item each. |
This item is obtained as a random drop! |
The Supplier's Cape is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Winter Clash 2018.
Supplying you with extra Role points! |
Argh, no more extra Role points! |
When equipped, this item grants the Supplier's Cape mod, which allows Farmer, Surgeon, Fishing or Star Captain role quests to give 5% bonus points.
- A Supplier's Cape used to be able to be purchased from Winter Clash Rewards Store Branch 1 for 6,750 Winter Token.