Swirling Rainbow Eyes
Whoosh! See the world in a new light with these kaleidoscopic eyes! Their fantastic, ever-spiraling beauty will set a smile on the faces of all who greet you!
PropertiesThis item never drops any seeds.
DataType | Face - Clothes |
Chi | None |
Texture Type | Single |
Collision Type | Full Collision |
Hardness | 0 Hits 0 Hits Restores after 0s of inactivity. |
Seed Color | #E2FC22 #FF4C24 |
Grow Time | 1h 0m 0s |
Default Gems Drop | N/A |
Winter Clash Parkour |
Consume a Winter Clash Finale Ticket during an active Winter Seasonal Clash and complete CLASHPARKOUR. This prize is claimable from Finale Claim 1 up to Finale Claim 9 with higher chances of being received at a higher Finale Claim. |
May yield 1 item each. |
This item is obtained as a random drop! |
The Swirling Rainbow Eyes is an unsplicable face item that was released as part of the Winter Clash. One can be obtained from the Winter Awards.
When equipped, the Swirling Rainbow Eyes serves a purely cosmetic purpose.