Valentine's Week 2022 is an annual event that occurred on February 11, 2022.
Valentine's Goodies[]
- Each purchase now costs 7,500 Gems, previously 5,000.
- Now broadcasts players who received a Golden Heart Crystal as a prize from breaking a Golden Booty Chest, Super Golden Booty Chest, or a Heartstone, or harvesting Well of Love.
Well of Love[]
- After filling a Well of Love with 200 Golden Booty Chests, it has a 2.25% chance to give a Golden Heart Crystal or a Stained Glass Crown.
Heart Antennae Headband[]
- Sprite and description was changed to distinguish the
Heart Antennae Hat (hat item) from the
Heart Antennae Headband (face item).
Datemaster's Rose[]
- Punch effect was fixed, previously had a bug which caused its punch effect to be the same as that of Ancient Shards.